Ilex verticillata Magical Berry, also known as Winterberry Holly Magical Berry, is an attractive deciduous shrub that thrives in the Irish climate. It is highly valued for its vibrant berries, making it an excellent choice.
Height/Spread: Ilex verticillata Magical Berry typically reaches a height and spread of 5-8 feet (1.5-2.4 meters), making it an ideal medium-sized shrub for Irish gardens.
Position: This Winterberry Holly variety flourishes in full sun to partial shade, making it well-suited for various positions in Irish gardens. It can be planted as a specimen plant or utilized in hedging or screening projects.
Soil: Ilex verticillata Magical Berry prefers moist, acidic soil, which is often found in the Irish climate. It can adapt to various soil types, including clay and loam, but good drainage is essential for optimal growth.
Flowering Season: The main attraction of Ilex verticillata Magical Berry is its colorful berries. The shrub produces small, inconspicuous white flowers in late spring or early summer, followed by an abundant display of bright red berries in the fall. These berries persist throughout winter, adding a pop of color to the Irish landscape.
Uses: Ilex verticillata Magical Berry is a versatile shrub with multiple uses in Irish gardens. Its attractive berries make it a popular choice for ornamental purposes, such as adding winter interest to borders, mixed beds, and naturalized areas. The berries also serve as a valuable food source for birds during the colder months, making it an excellent choice for wildlife gardens. Additionally, the branches with berries are often used in floral arrangements and holiday decorations, adding festive charm to indoor spaces.
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