Davida involucrata, also known as Handkerchief Tree, is an enchanting deciduous tree that thrives in the Irish climate. With its unique and eye-catching floral display, it is a sought-after choice for gardening enthusiasts in Ireland.
Height/Spread: Davida involucrata can grow to a height of 30-40 feet (9-12 meters) with a spread of 20-30 feet (6-9 meters), forming a graceful and spreading canopy that provides shade and beauty to gardens in the Irish climate.
Position: This tree prefers a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade in Irish gardens. It appreciates protection from strong winds and benefits from a location that allows it to receive ample sunlight during the day.
Soil: Davida involucrata thrives in well-draining, fertile soil. In the Irish climate, it is important to ensure the soil is adequately prepared with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to promote optimal growth.
Flowering Season: The Handkerchief Tree blooms in late spring to early summer, adding a spectacular floral display to Irish gardens. Its most distinctive feature is the large white bracts that surround the small red flowers, resembling delicate handkerchiefs suspended from the branches.
Uses: Davida involucrata serves multiple purposes in Irish gardens, making it a valuable addition. It can be planted as an ornamental specimen tree, providing shade and a focal point. Its unique flowers make it a favorite among gardeners for creating stunning visual displays. Additionally, the tree's large leaves offer shade during the warmer months, enhancing the comfort of outdoor spaces.
Height/Spread: Davida involucrata can grow to a height of 30-40 feet (9-12 meters) with a spread of 20-30 feet (6-9 meters), forming a graceful and spreading canopy that provides shade and beauty to gardens in the Irish climate.
Position: This tree prefers a sheltered position in full sun or partial shade in Irish gardens. It appreciates protection from strong winds and benefits from a location that allows it to receive ample sunlight during the day.
Soil: Davida involucrata thrives in well-draining, fertile soil. In the Irish climate, it is important to ensure the soil is adequately prepared with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to promote optimal growth.
Flowering Season: The Handkerchief Tree blooms in late spring to early summer, adding a spectacular floral display to Irish gardens. Its most distinctive feature is the large white bracts that surround the small red flowers, resembling delicate handkerchiefs suspended from the branches.
Uses: Davida involucrata serves multiple purposes in Irish gardens, making it a valuable addition. It can be planted as an ornamental specimen tree, providing shade and a focal point. Its unique flowers make it a favorite among gardeners for creating stunning visual displays. Additionally, the tree's large leaves offer shade during the warmer months, enhancing the comfort of outdoor spaces.
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